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Tips For Recovery After A Dental Implant

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Dentists require surgical implants for people who are looking to fill gaps inside of their teeth. This allows people to straighten and maintain their oral health, so that they can prevent infections and lower the likelihood of gaps between teeth becoming more prevalent. A dental implant is a surgery that consists of a titanium post being drilled into your gumline. The post fuses with your jawbone, and then a false crown is attached to the post.…

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A Mini-Guide To Dental Floss And Flossing Your Teeth

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When it comes to good oral hygiene, many people assume brushing daily is enough; however, the number one weapon against fighting plaque, is flossing. Brushing is typically effective at cleaning the tops and sides of your teeth, but dental floss is essential for cleaning between teeth, where bacteria and food particles hide. Flossing also polishes the surface of teeth, decreases the chance of getting gum disease and/or tooth decay and helps to control bad breath.…

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"9 Out Of 10 Dentists Agree": Which Toothpaste Ingredients Actually Help Teeth?

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Advertisements for oral health care products will often brag that “9 out of 10 dentists agree” that this particular product bests its competitors. But the truth is that it’s the ingredients not the brand name that determines how good a particular product is for your teeth. And there are a few key ingredients to watch for if you want toothpaste that actually helps your teeth rather than just getting them clean and smelling of mint.…

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Denture Product Zinc Toxicity – What You Should Know

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Do you wear dentures? Do you use denture paste to keep your dentures firmly in place? Are you aware of the potential of zinc poisoning from overusing denture paste? Many manufacturers use zinc in the denture adhesive products being marketed. Here, you will learn about zinc toxicity so that you are aware of the symptoms, learn how to avoid it, and know what can be done if the symptoms set in.…

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Common Culprits Behind Dental Crown Pain

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Dental crowns are a common procedure designed to improve your smile and your oral health. While this is a fairly simple procedure, there are instances when a dental crown can cause an issue in the form of pain. Familiarizing yourself with a few of the common causes of discomfort can help you seek treatment and eliminate any discomfort. Undiagnosed Conditions For the most part, dental crowns are painless. While you might experience slight discomfort immediately after they are installed, in the long-term, your crowns shouldn’t be causing you any discomfort.…

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When In Rome, Take Care Of Your Teeth As The Romans Did

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Everyone has heard the old phrase at some point in their life: when in Rome, do as the Romans do. Essentially, the phrase used within it’s context has very little to do with actual Rome– it’s simply said by those who want to tell a friend or family member that they should conform to society, go with the flow, and follow the crowd. It’s very rare that someone may take this phrase literally, imploring others to echo the lives of the ancient Romans, but that’s exactly what researchers from King’s College London found to be true.…

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