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Dental Implant Attachment Methods

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Dentists and specialists, such as endodontists, always aim to save a patient’s natural teeth before resorting to any other type of treatment. But if you have a tooth that’s beyond saving with a root canal, or if you currently have an empty space from a previous extraction or loss, getting a dental implant might be the best solution. Implants generally blend in with your natural teeth better than removable dentures, and they’re easier to care for since they stay in your mouth and get brushed and flossed just like your natural teeth.…

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5 Benefits Of Choosing A Gold Dental Filling

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Ensuring your teeth are in the best condition is the key to good dental health. It’s essential to go to the dentist on a routine basis to assist in making this possible. Over time, you may need to get a tooth restored by way of dental fillings. If this is a back tooth, you should strongly consider using gold as the material to do so. The good news is there are many advantages of selecting this restoration material and knowing what these are may be beneficial to you.…

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The Holidays Are Almost Here! How To Keep Your Braces And Your Teeth Safe

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The holidays are fast approaching. School break will soon be here, and you’ll be enjoying your holiday vacation. If you’ve got braces, you’ll need to be extra careful with them during the holidays, especially with the added treats, and fun activities you’ll be involved in. If you’re not sure how to avoid problems with your braces during the holidays, here are four tips to help you out. Be Careful with the Candies You Choose…

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Can Menopause Cause Changes To Your Breath?

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With the onset of menopause, you might experience several unpleasant symptoms. Most people know about the hot flashes and changes to sleeping and eating habits, but one symptom that is lesser known is bad breath. If you are experiencing bad breath and are menopausal, here is what you need to know. Why Does Menopause Cause Bad Breath? During menopause, hormonal changes can impact every part of your body, including your salivary glands.…

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Why You May Need IPR Treatment Before Getting Braces, And Why It's Safe

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Interproximal reduction (IPR) is a dental procedure that involves stripping away some of the teeth enamel. An IPR is sometimes needed before getting braces, although not everybody needs it. Here are four situations in which you may need an IPR, and why: You Have Proclined Incisors Proclination is a condition in which the teeth flare outwards from the jaw. If your incisors (the front teeth) procline outwards, it may be difficult to pull them back due to inadequate space.…

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4 Things To Do When Your Tooth Is Knocked Out

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If, heaven forbid, you happen to knock out one of your teeth, it is very important that you don’t panic. Just because your tooth is knocked out doesn’t meant that it is beyond repair. Thankfully, there are some things that you can do with your knocked out tooth to try your best to save it, before you head into the dentist. This article will discuss 4 things to do when your tooth is knocked out.…

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Things To Know About Getting Veneers

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Enhancing your smile can be a cost-effective way for many people to improve their overall appearance. To help individuals address the variety of conditions that they can develop, there are a variety of cosmetic treatments that your dentist can use to correct these problems that you have a bright and beautiful smile. Veneers are an extremely common treatment that you may opt to have done to restore your teeth. Will Veneers Make Your Teeth More Sensitive?…

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How Cosmetic Dentistry Using Veneers Improves Your Smile

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If you hate to smile because of the way your teeth are shaped, a cosmetic dentist can help. You may not even have to undergo painful or lengthy restorative treatments. If your teeth are stained, chipped, slightly rotated, or uneven, the dentist might be able to correct the problem with veneers. Here is some more information about this type of cosmetic dentistry. What Veneers Are Made Of Veneers are small shells that fit on the surface of your teeth.…

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Tooth Whitening Options For Permanent Stains

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Dealing with discolored teeth can be overwhelming, especially if you have tried over the counter remedies and they just aren’t effective enough. There is no one size fits all solution when it comes to dealing with tooth stains. The following guide can help you determine whether whitening is even the right option to pursue. What is causing the discoloration? You must know the root cause of staining before you can combat it.…

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2 Tips To Prevent Plaque Buildup When Wearing Dental Implants As A Senior

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Plaque buildup is an issue that is often mostly addressed to teenagers and young adults. This is because younger individuals are still trying to solidify healthy eating and dental care habits. However, plaque buildup can often plague seniors as well. This is due to the fact that dry mouth becomes more common the older that you get. Dry mouth makes it difficult for your saliva to kill off the bad bacteria in your mouth.…

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