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Could Antibiotics Harm Your Teeth?

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Is your medicine damaging your oral health? This is certainly a possibility, depending on the type of medicine you take. Antibiotics are among the most problematic types of medication for harming the teeth, and here are the most common problems. Amoxicillin and Fluorosis Fluorosis is when white spots appear on the permanent teeth, and happens while the permanent teeth are developing within the jaw as children grow up. In one study, 579 children were checked every three months during the first 12 months for amoxicillin use.…

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Keeping Your Child Calm In The Dentist Waiting Room Before A Procedure

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It can be tough to occupy a child in a waiting room for even a basic dental check up. If your child is seeing the dentist for a more complicated procedure, they might be more anxious about their visit than just a checkup. Keeping your child calm while waiting will fall to you as the parent. Here are four things you can do to help quell your child’s anxiety in the waiting room before a dental procedure.…

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It's A Knock-Out: Tips For Dealing With A Knocked-Out Tooth

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When it comes to emergency dental work, few things are as concerning as having one of your teeth knocked out. No matter how it happens, getting care right away is important. The sooner you see your dentist, the greater your chances will be of restoring that tooth. Here’s a look at some of the things you should know to avoid damaging the tooth or your chances of repair. Don’t Wrap The Tooth In Anything…

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Making The Dentist Fun For Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder

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Children with autism spectrum disorder often have difficulty responding to new people, sensations and places, which is why going to the dentist can become such a monumental task. If you have had trouble taking your autistic child to the dentist in the past or are bracing for the first real examination, you may be able to promote a better experience for everyone involved by understanding and working with the difficulties caused by autism.…

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Can Dental Crowns Solve Your Tooth Issues?

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Dental crowns are caps that completely cover a tooth. The dentist has to remove some of the enamel in order to fit a crown into the same space. The process takes three steps – or three visits. However, once a tooth is crowned, it should function as well as a natural tooth and blend into the surrounding teeth. That said, dental crowns aren’t a fix-all. Find out if dental capping or another procedure best solves your tooth problems.…

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2 Reasons Dental Crowns Are Used With Dental Fillings

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If you have a large amount of decay in one of your teeth, you may feel that a dental filling should be enough to restore the tooth. Thus, you could find it surprising that your dentist recommends a dental crown in addition to the filling. Here are a few reasons why dental crowns are used in conjunction with dental fillings: There may no longer be enough tooth material to prevent the tooth from breaking.…

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How To Make Your Teeth Cleaning More Comfortable

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Many people find dental cleanings to be a bit uncomfortable, either mentally or physically (or both). Since regular dental cleanings are important for good gum health and to detect problems such as tooth decay and loose fillings, it’s important to see your dentist or hygienist for a cleaning at least twice per year. If you put off your appointments due to discomfort, here are some tips on making the whole experience more pleasant.…

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3 Things You Can Do To Improve Your Oral Health

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Taking care of your teeth is an important part of your overall health. Don’t assume that your oral health only applies to mouth and teeth; you could contract illnesses and diseases, such as cancer, that could affect your entire health if you don’t take proper care of your teeth and mouth. This is why it is so important that you are careful about caring for your teeth. In addition to brushing and flossing regularly, you can protect your teeth by doing a couple things.…

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3 Tips For Keeping Your Toothbrush In Working Condition

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Everyone knows how important it is to brush and floss teeth. This is something that is taught to even the youngest of children. However, what most people fail to learn is how to properly care for their toothbrush. If you don’t know how to care for your toothbrush, you could be compromising the health of your teeth without even knowing it. Even though you might be brushing often, you might not be getting your teeth as clean as you think you are.…

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Battling Bad Breath: 3 Simple Yet Little-Known Tactics

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Bad breath isn’t just annoying–it can have devastating effects on your self-esteem and social interactions. Many people choose to mask this problem with things like chewing gum and mouthwash. If you are looking for more permanent solutions for your bad breath, read on. This article will offer three easy tactics for the long term. Increase your tea consumption. Research is increasingly showing what a miracle beverage tea is. It can help to lower the risk of afflictions such as cancer, heart attacks, and even Parkinson’s disease.…

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