Dental Care Fun for Kids

2 Tips To Prevent Plaque Buildup When Wearing Dental Implants As A Senior

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Plaque buildup is an issue that is often mostly addressed to teenagers and young adults. This is because younger individuals are still trying to solidify healthy eating and dental care habits. However, plaque buildup can often plague seniors as well. This is due to the fact that dry mouth becomes more common the older that you get. Dry mouth makes it difficult for your saliva to kill off the bad bacteria in your mouth.…

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Three Reasons Why Your Child's Baby Tooth May Not Come Out On Its Own

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It is a trademark occurrence of a child who is getting older: their baby teeth get loose and eventually get pulled to make way for those adult ones. However, losing baby teeth does not always happen so easily. In fact, with some children, those baby teeth never come out at all. This condition, which is sometimes referred to as shark teeth, can leave your child with what looks like multiple rows of teeth.…

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Should A Child Have A Cosmetic Dental Procedure Done?

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Cosmetic dentistry is capable of fixing a smile that needs some work. If your child has some cosmetic problems with their teeth, you may be wondering if they should have cosmetic dental procedures done to their teeth at a young age. Before going through with it, you should know about using cosmetic dentistry for these two common procedures. Teeth Whitening Chances are that you did not think much about the shade your teeth were when you were a kid.…

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