Dental Care Fun for Kids

FAQs About Overdentures, An Alternative To Traditional Dentures

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Years ago, when someone used the word “dentures,” they were specifically referring to a dental instrument that was temporarily fixed to the gums with adhesive and was removed every night. This type of denture still exists, but there are now other, more advanced styles of dentures, too. One increasingly common option is called an overdenture. An overdenture is a more permanent denture that attaches to implants that are surgically inserted into the jaw bone.…

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Why You Should Get The Root Canal

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If a dentist says you need a root canal, you have a few options. First, you can opt to get the root canal. You may also opt to just wait out your situation to see if your dental condition improves. Lastly, you can choose to have the tooth removed rather than have the root canal or do nothing. Any of these options are yours to choose, but you should definitely listen to your dentist if they recommend the root canal.…

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Four Benefits Of Choosing Dental Implants For Your Tooth Replacement Needs

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Dental implants have emerged as a highly popular and effective solution for tooth replacement. These implants offer many advantages that significantly enhance patients’ quality of life. However, individuals may not be aware of the full range of benefits dental implants provide. Benefit: Improved Chewing and Digestion Dental implants’ remarkable strength and stability closely resemble natural teeth, enabling patients to chew food easily and efficiently. Thorough chewing plays a crucial role in the digestive process, as it breaks down food into smaller particles and facilitates the absorption of nutrients in the body.…

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