If you suffer from chronic dry mouth due to Sjogren’s syndrome, diabetes, or another condition that reduces saliva production, your doctor may recommend a prescription treatment to increase saliva production. But what happens if you body cannot tolerate this prescription treatment or it interacts negatively with one of your other medications? You should never just ignore dry mouth, since it can lead to serious tooth decay and periodontal disease. Instead, rely on these three simple strategies to keep your mouth as moist as possible.…
A root canal is an endodontic procedure that involves the removal of the living tissue inside of a tooth. This tissue, which is called the pulp, contains the dental nerves. Thus, when a root canal is performed correctly, the discomfort associated with the tooth is alleviated.
Symptoms, such as sensitivity to cold and heat, throbbing pain in a tooth, foul-smelling liquid leaking from the area around a tooth or an abscess on the gums, can indicate that you need an endodontic procedure.…
Although many people think of gum disease as a condition that only affects adults, the truth is that even kids are susceptible to this dental problem. If your child isn’t brushing as often as he or she should or has an increased risk of dental problems, gum disease can develop at an early age. Understanding that this risk exists and how to deal with it can help to protect your child’s long-term dental health.…