Dental Care Fun for Kids

Prematurely Lost Baby Teeth: Maintain the Space, Maintain the Look

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When you hear the word exfoliation, you probably think of skincare. Exfoliation also happens in dentistry, and it’s the term that refers to the natural loss of a baby tooth when its root system is dissolved by the permanent adult tooth developing beneath it. What happens when the exfoliation process is disrupted by the premature loss of a baby tooth? Ahead of Schedule Baby teeth can be lost ahead of schedule, but this is generally due to an external influence.…

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Struggling With Your Smile? 3 Issues Your Cosmetic Dentist Can Fix Quickly

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The first time you meet someone new or sit down for a job interview, your smile will come into play. Unfortunately, all too many people are embarrassed about their teeth, especially as they get older and their teeth are exposed to more variables. Here are three simple issues a cosmetic dentist could improve in a single visit, and why you shouldn’t wait to schedule an appointment.  1. Gaps  Whether you have lost a tooth and your smile has shifted slightly, or you have always had a trademark gap between your front teeth, it isn’t always fun to have a gap-toothed smile.…

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Know Your Different Denture Options For Missing Teeth

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Missing teeth are more than missing teeth. Individuals with missing teeth may be self-conscious about their missing teeth. This can negatively impact their self-esteem. It might make them less likely to laugh or smile in public. There might also be gastrointestinal issues that arise from missing teeth. This is because of the inability to properly chew food. Food that is not chewed well can cause issues such as indigestion and choking is also possible.…

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