Dental Care Fun for Kids

Seeing Red: Oral Contraceptive Use Makes Gum Care All the More Important

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If you’re taking birth control pills, take extra good care of your mouth. The hormones in the pills have long been known to make your gums more inflamed and more susceptible to periodontal disease, but lately that’s been downplayed because modern birth control pills don’t contain as much progesterone, which is a key culprit behind the response. But don’t let that make you complacent. You must take extra good care of your mouth because even the lower concentrations of hormones can cause an issue—and the medications used to treat that issue can cause problems themselves.…

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Top Questions To Ask The Pediatric Dentist

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Pediatric dentistry takes a special blend of expert knowledge, professionalism and fun! A kids dentist has extensive training in the growing mouth and understands what your child needs for super smile success. Just how you picked a pediatrician, you’ve spent time choosing the best pediatric dentist around. You’ve asked for professional credentials, connections to dentistry associations and checked references. Now that you’re ready to tote your tot off to her first dental visit, prep yourself with a few more queries.…

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Six Good Reasons To Have Your Teeth Professionally Whitened

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Your teeth can become less than white a number of reasons. Food and beverages like coffee, red wine and tea can permanently stain your teeth as can cigarettes and other tobacco products. Simply growing older will eventually cause your teeth to dull. Even some medications can take the sparkle out of your smile. Teeth whitening products are available for a number of sources, from your local drug store to your family dentist.…

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