Dental Care Fun for Kids

UARS Is Not Sleep Apnea...But It Can Appear The Same

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People who suffer from breaks in their breathing at night are often diagnosed with sleep apnea. However, this diagnosis is often incorrect: many times, people are actually suffering from Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome (or UARS), a condition that causes similar problems, but which is caused by obstructions in your throat. Understanding the differences can help you get a more accurate diagnosis from your doctor. Understanding The Differences The major difference between UARS and sleep apnea lies in the number of pauses (or apneas) that occur during the night.…

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Should You Use Oral Sedation For Your Dental Procedure?

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When you have a fear of going to the dentist, it may be recommended that you use sedation to get through your procedure. There are several types of dental sedation available to you, but a very common method among adults is oral sedation. Before deciding if it is right for you, understand the advantages and disadvantages of using the method. Advantages of Taking Oral Sedation This form of sedation involves ingesting a pill before your visit to the dentist.…

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Three Simple, Drug-Free Ways To Ease Dry Mouth Symptoms

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If you suffer from chronic dry mouth due to Sjogren’s syndrome, diabetes, or another condition that reduces saliva production, your doctor may recommend a prescription treatment to increase saliva production. But what happens if you body cannot tolerate this prescription treatment or it interacts negatively with one of your other medications? You should never just ignore dry mouth, since it can lead to serious tooth decay and periodontal disease. Instead, rely on these three simple strategies to keep your mouth as moist as possible.…

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