Dental Care Fun for Kids

Optimizing Your Treatment Time With Invisalign

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If you are planning to have your teeth straightened using the Invisalign system, you have selected a great option. Invisalign is an innovative orthodontic system that aligns the teeth with clear, customized plastic mouth trays.  The trays are designed from an impression of your mouth. Several sets of trays are used to progressively straighten the teeth. Each set is applied for a few weeks and then exchanged for the next prescribed set in the treatment plan.…

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4 Types Of Sedation Dentistry For Children

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Your dentist may recommend sedation dentistry if your child is extremely nervous about being at the dentist or has a sensory disorder that makes it difficult for your child to handle the process of being at the dentist. #1. Deep Sedation Deep sedation is when an intravenous drug is used to put your child to sleep. Your child will be completely asleep. Your child may move a little bit and make some sounds, but they are asleep and not aware of what is happening with deep sedation.…

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Can Your Dentist Do Root Canals And Crowns?

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Many dentists will send you to an endodontist or oral surgeon to complete a root canal. While this may be necessary for some extreme cases, it is usually better if you can find a dentist who is able to handle their own root canals. Often, a root canal also necessitates a crown. If you can have your root canal, crown, along with the rest of your normal cavities and fillings repaired by the same dentist, you’re bound to save money and have a more pleasant experience.…

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