Dental Care Fun for Kids

3 Things To Expect At Your Child's First Dental Appointment

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Since you are encouraged to take your child into the dentist from a young age, they will go for the first time when they are still very little. This makes the dental visit quite simple and quick because they likely don’t have too many teeth at this point in their young life. This article will discuss 3 things to expect at your child’s first dental appointment.  Examination Of Your Child’s Teeth And A Quick Brushing …

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3 Ingredients In Toothpaste To Be Alert To As A Parent

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As a parent, encouraging your little ones to brush their teeth is probably one of your top priorities. However, teeth brushing most often involves the use of toothpaste, and while some types are fine for little ones to use, there are others which contain ingredients that could be harmful. Monitoring your child while they brush their teeth is actually extremely important because you don’t want your youngster swallowing the toothpaste ingredients.…

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Preparing For Extractions? 4 Steps To Help Speed Up The Recovery Process

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If periodontitis has caused severe bone loss, and you now have to have your teeth extracted, you’re not alone. Statistics show that periodontal gum disease is the leading cause of tooth loss in adults. Before you have your teeth extracted, it’s important that you prepare for the recovery period. Here are four steps that will help speed up the recovery process. Be Pro-Active with the Pain Reliever When it comes to dealing with post-extraction pain, it’s important that you take a pro-active approach.…

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