Dental Care Fun for Kids

3 Things That Parents Should Know About Fluoride

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Parents have a variety of things they need to do to protect their children’s health. Dental care should be viewed as important. Some parents assume that their children have healthy teeth because they do not see discolorations. The best verifiable method of checking for cavities in children is a dental exam. Some cavities are translucent, which makes it difficult or impossible to detect them with untrained eyes or special equipment. …

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What Makes Dental Implants Last Longer Than Bridges?

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If you have one or more missing teeth, it’s likely that you’re looking into choosing an artificial replacement. There are lots of options, including dental implants and bridges. Both are popular choices, but you may have heard that bridges just don’t last as long as dental implants on average. If you’re curious as to why this is, and what the advantages of dental implants are, here’s what you should know.…

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Why Oral Appliance Therapy Is Sometimes Better Than CPAP Treatment

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Sleep apnea can disrupt your life if you leave it untreated. Your quality of sleep suffers, and if you snore loudly, your partner may struggle to sleep at night too because of the noise. You may have heard of CPAP therapy, which uses a machine to keep your airways open while you sleep. Although CPAP treatment works well for sleep apnea, oral appliance therapy is better in some cases. If you aren’t sure which treatment is right for you, then take a look at these advantages offered by oral appliance therapy.…

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