Dental Care Fun for Kids

Common Culprits Behind Dental Crown Pain

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Dental crowns are a common procedure designed to improve your smile and your oral health. While this is a fairly simple procedure, there are instances when a dental crown can cause an issue in the form of pain. Familiarizing yourself with a few of the common causes of discomfort can help you seek treatment and eliminate any discomfort. Undiagnosed Conditions For the most part, dental crowns are painless. While you might experience slight discomfort immediately after they are installed, in the long-term, your crowns shouldn’t be causing you any discomfort.…

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When In Rome, Take Care Of Your Teeth As The Romans Did

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Everyone has heard the old phrase at some point in their life: when in Rome, do as the Romans do. Essentially, the phrase used within it’s context has very little to do with actual Rome– it’s simply said by those who want to tell a friend or family member that they should conform to society, go with the flow, and follow the crowd. It’s very rare that someone may take this phrase literally, imploring others to echo the lives of the ancient Romans, but that’s exactly what researchers from King’s College London found to be true.…

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